Sacred Geometry is an organizing principal of nature, from the spirals of galaxies to the intricate designs of a flower.  Sacred geometric patterns exist as part of the universal language of design, common across diverse cultures.

Flower of Life  ©Debbie Mathew    20″ x 20″         $790      Encaustic and Mixed Media.

When we gaze upon the cross section of a seashell, it instills awe; no wonder spiritual traditions all over the world draw upon natural patterns, creating sacred vibrations for architectural designs and decorations.  One example of sacred geometry is the ‘Flower of Life’ made of 19 interconnected circles, visible in this art piece from the ‘Egyptian Series’. This 6000-year-old pattern exists on a wall in Abydos, Egypt. The architecture, art, and symbolic objects of this powerful culture exemplifies how metaphysical principals are integral to the manifestation and maintenance of an advanced civilization.

At the heart of sacred geometry, is numerology, as all form arises and speaks from/to mathematical patterns.

Flying Colors ©Debbie Mathew 36.5” h x 12.3”w $810 Encaustic & Mixed Media

Numerology is the art and science of meaning arising from numbers and the patterns they present.  Consider meaning hidden in plain sight: 1 = solo, independent, the beginning; 2 means a duo, partnership, connection; 3 = creation, trinity, unity, and so on.  Repeating mathematical patterns are found in nature: Fibonacci series, Golden Mean etc. They exist at macro (distances between cosmic bodies), and micro levels, (cellular growth patterns). In the DNA Series, important numerological patterns emerge, emphasizing sacred patterning within the human energy body. One example is ‘Flying Colors’, which visualizes 7 sacred wheels of life, referencing those within the subtle body; their associated colors reflect the color vibration of each chakra. Each colored ball of light lies within a circle of DNA, implying the interplay of resonant frequencies. Healing and purifying the energy body (chakras & nadis) allows for free flow of energy, thus, optimum health and the positive restructuring of DNA.  Exploring the sacred language of geometry and numerology exposes how the visible/invisible and macro/micro are mirrors of experience. Let’s leap into the macro now.

New Moon Solar Eclipse ©Debbie Mathew     $732        21.4″ x 21.4″ Encaustic & Mixed Media

The appearance of astrological symbols in the form of cosmic bodies (sun, moon, stars, planets) and sometimes their symbolic shapes, have become prominent in my visual language.  As Above, So Below.  The basic shape of a planet is similar to a flower’s center, or the energy field of a chakra.

At the center of this art work, is an image of a Solar Eclipse, (when the moon passes between the Earth and Sun, obscuring the Sun from our view); it is a time of shift, the eclipsing of energies. Whether this is impactful in your life or not, depends on your natal astrology chart, and how/where the energies affect you, alongside planetary transits at that time.  Be assured, if you backtrack to times of upheaval and change in your life of, eclipse energy will be present.  The circular cosmic body is repeated in the larger blue circle reverberating the energy into the field of experience. The central square panel with the lotus flower (=sacred geometry) is held within a starry skyscape.  The 4 blooming ‘peacock feather plants’, emerging from 4 corners of the central square, refer to 4 cardinal directions, 4 elements (earth, water, fire, air) and ultimately, the grounding pillars of stability for humans on the earth.

Present in all of these exemplary art pieces, is the mandala, a meditation tool, based upon sacred geometry and numerology, intended to guide a spiritual aspirant along the inner journey.

Much of the metaphysical meaning within my art may not be obvious, but my hope is that you do experience it at some level.  The interweaving of sacred language elements into the visual field is intended to rekindle the natural knowing of the presence of the sacred within us; we are all divine.