Life Spirals


This piece centers on a flower, with 6 petals, the number of love; a red heart lies at the center, and a crystal within that. Each shape, form, color and the material it is made of, resonates with symbolic and potentially, personal meaning. In each corner, are DNA circles; the circle symbolizes endless potential, balance and a magnetic potential. DNA is essential to create and sustain life, with key codes of repair, maintenance and expansion. Four circles, in the four corners, stabilize the structure, reflecting a grounded, earthly quality. Life is always evolving, shifting and connecting to the heartbeat of Gaia. I wish to promote the sensibility that the DNA within all life forms resonates with the heart of our Mother Earth, who in turn promotes our well-being and conscious evolution.


Life Spirals

Size: 24.5” h x 18.5”w
Mixed Media – Encaustic